dnslib license?

Michael Ströder michael at stroeder.com
Thu Jul 19 09:12:43 EDT 2001

Hi Guido,

sorry to bother you directly.

You might have noticed that Anthony Baxter and me are pushing his
module DNS derived from your dnslib to SourceForge. So far so good
but I don't have any clue about licensing issues. Can you shed some
light on it?

See below your original README shipped as file README.guido in
Anthony's tar.gz.

Ciao, Michael.

This directory contains a module (dnslib) that implements a DNS
(Domain Name Server) client, plus additional modules that define
symbolic constants used by DNS (dnstype, dnsclass, dnsopcode).

Type "python dnslib.py -/" for a usage message.

You can also import dnslib and write your own, more sophisticated
client code; use the test program as an example (there is currently
documentation :-).

--Guido van Rossum, CWI, Amsterdam <Guido.van.Rossum at cwi.nl>
URL:  <http://www.cwi.nl/cwi/people/Guido.van.Rossum.html>

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