license suggestions?

Piet van Oostrum piet at
Fri Jul 13 16:00:48 EDT 2001

>>>>> Greg Ewing <greg at> (GE) writes:

GE> Roman Suzi wrote:
>> Microsoft world accuses GPL of being "viral". 

GE> Well, the GPL *is* viral. The irksome thing about that
GE> Microsoft license is that it defines "viral" in a way
GE> that includes ALL open-source licenses, even though
GE> most of them are not in the least bit viral by the
GE> commonly understood meaning of the term in this
GE> context.

GE> So it's not the GPL they're slandering, it's all
GE> the other open-source licenses.

They also accuse it to be more viral than it is in reality. They seem to
suggest that e.g. code compiled with gcc also has to be GPL'ed.
Piet van Oostrum <piet at>
Private email: P.van.Oostrum at

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