"has" Operator

Joshua Marshall jmarshal at mathworks.com
Mon Jul 9 01:09:11 EDT 2001

Quinn Dunkan <quinn at yak.ugcs.caltech.edu> wrote:

> 'x has y' would also have a nice resemblance to 'x in y', where one
> checks if y is in the object itself, and the other checks if y is in
> the container the object represents.  I don't want the former
> functionality often enough to think a keyword is worth it, though.

In the case of 'x in y', 'x' and 'y' are both variables, but in the
case of 'x has y', 'x' is a variable but 'y' is a name.  I think that
could be confusing.

On the other side of things, it seems this could be introduced into
the language without making 'has' a keyword--no syntactic rules
currently use concatenation.

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