a break for comprehensions

Peter Hansen peter at engcorp.com
Thu Jul 26 18:57:23 EDT 2001

Kevin Lacker wrote:
> Can you do this:
> answer = []
> for x in my_list:
>     if not is_good(x):
>         break
>     answer.append(process(x))
> with a list comprehension somehow? I'm starting to dislike explicit for
> loops just for the purposes of constructing another list from a current one.

I can clearly understand what the above code is doing.  Doing this
as a list comprehension would be less readable for me (I'm not a 
heavy user of list comprehensions, yet.)  

Are you sure you really don't like the explicit, readable code 
above, and would prefer a more compressed, (admittedly explicit, 
I suppose), more cryptic version instead?  There are other
languages which could do the above in one tiny line, no doubt.
(No names. :)

Peter Hansen, P.Eng.
peter at engcorp.com

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