ZODB address list question (source is listed)...

Robert bobh at hslda.org
Thu Jul 12 09:38:30 EDT 2001

I am a newbie at both Python and ZODB so I thought I would modify the
ZODB demo that Mr. Pelletier did. It does the Listing, Adding and 
Quiting fine. But when I add a duplicate it does not tell me that that
"name" is already in the database.

Any help would be appreciated!


## ---- CODE ----

# Created: R.L. Hicks, 2001-07-12
# Notes:
#    Modified version of ZODB paper by Michel Pelletier

# TO DO:
#    o delete
#    o search
#    o sorting

# import libs needed to run
from ZODB import DB
from ZODB.FileStorage import FileStorage
from ZODB.PersistentMapping import PersistentMapping
from Persistence import Persistent

class Employee(Persistent):
    """ an employee """

    def __init__(self, name, phone):
        self.name = name
        self.phone = phone

# setup the database
storage = FileStorage("employees.fs")
db = DB(storage)
connection = db.open()
root = connection.root()

# get the employees mapping, creating an empty mapping
# if it is necessary
if not root.has_key("employees"):
    root["employees"] = {}
employees = root["employees"]

def listEmployees():
    if len(employees.values()) == 0:
        print "The database is empty."
    for employee in employees.values():
        print "Info: %s - %s" % (employee.name, employee.phone)

def addEmployee(name, phone):
    if employees.has_key(name):
        ## the below does not print when a duplicate is created
        print "There is already an employee with this name."
        employees[name, phone] = Employee(name, phone)
        root['employees'] = employees   # reassign to change list
        print "Employee %s added to database." % name

if __name__ == "__main__":
    while 1:
        choice = raw_input("Press 'L' to list, 'A' to add, or 'Q' to quit:")
        choice = choice.lower()
        if choice == "l":
        elif choice == "a":
            name = raw_input("Employee name:")
            phone = raw_input("Employee Phone:")
            addEmployee(name, phone)
        elif choice == "q":

    # close the database

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