Not enough Python library development [was PEP scepticism]

Paul Prescod paulp at
Wed Jul 4 17:54:18 EDT 2001

Bruce Sass wrote:
> I think this needs a PEP from the core Python developers,
> for four reasons:

I have only a meta-comment. After years of discussions about Python
CPAN, I can see two things that are guaranteed to kill any effort:

 1. The requirement that it be sophisticated, comprehensive, logically
consistent from the start.

 2. The requirement that the core team be deeply involved in its

> 1) anything less is "just" third-party (no matter how well done)

Well, that's better than what we have today. And the Vaults (what we
have today) is better than what we had before it. Incremental steps are
the only path that will lead to success.

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