A modest PEP0238 suggestion

James Logajan JamesL at Lugoj.Com
Wed Jul 25 20:31:27 EDT 2001

Tim Peters wrote:
> It's slowly dawning on me that some people don't ship Python *with* their
> apps.  What are you, nuts <0.9 wink>?  From PySol to Zope, everyone who
> gives a rip about stability ships the software they develop with.

(I think that should have been <1.0 winks>.)

Many Python apps are open source; even when one provides Windoze users a
nicely packaged "closed" .exe, for maximum OS portability one must also
allow downloading of the source sans Python interpreter.

> I see I have 12 copies of the Microsoft C runtime library on my Win98 box at
> the moment, and for the same reason:  serious Windows app developers are
> careful to isolate themselves from C runtime changes too.
> in-the-real-world-compatibility-doesn't-rely-on-luck-ly y'rs  - tim

Well I see your problem already: you are developing on the wrong OS. It
makes your thinking fuzzy. Some of us don't have Solaris, Linux, BSDI, AIX,
Mac OS, etc. platforms all sitting on our desk (that would be some desk!) to
build complete runtime interpreters. So we ship only source and hope the
target users read the instructions on which version of Python we think we've
validated our code on.

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