Large pages using Zope

TRYGVE NESHEIM trygve.nesheim at
Tue Jul 31 19:12:30 EDT 2001

I know this isn't what you asked for but it's very convincing :)

Why You Should Host Zope

Zope is Great For ISP Business
Why is Zope great for an ISP business? ? The following points illustrate the

1. Price is right. Many ISPs don't have the capital budget to purchase a
$40,000 application server with $5,000 per developer licenses. Moreover,
these application servers aren't very useful "out of the box". However,
cobbling together a set of services from various free tools is not a sound
architecture for building a business.

2. Thus, a free package like Zope that is designed to compete with
commercial application servers is a perfect fit.

3. Source is available. Any ISP that runs services based on Linux
understands the hidden truth: commercial software and commercial software
companies cannot be trusted. They do not have your interests, nor your
business plan, at heart. You need control. You need the source.

4. Very portable. Zope is extremely easy to build on the latest-and-greatest
Unix platform, as well as Windows machines. You won't have to worry about
waiting for a vendor to get to your platform with Zope!

5. Commercial consulting and support. Since Digital Creations, the creators
of Zope, exists as a services company, there is plenty of commercial backing
behind Zope to address your services needs.

6. Completely web managed. Zope does not require password file entries,
Apache passwords, new directories with hacked permissions, executable
scripts, or the like. In fact, Zope doesn't even store new content in new
files. Everything is managed through the web object system and stored inside
the object database.

7. Safely turn over control to customers. Zope allows you to create folders
containing user accounts and turn these over to your customers. They can
create content for themselves, for others, create new user accounts, and
more. But they only exist and have control over their folder and its
subfolders. Moreover, if they make a mistake they can undo their changes to
recover without bothering you for going to a backup tape!

8. Outside of web server. Unlike solutions such as PHP that run inside the
web server, Zope runs as its own long-running process. Thus your production
web server isn't compromised by strange add-ins and programs.

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