Python, C++, Java, Smalltalk, Eiffel,...

Tim Hammerquist tim at
Sun Jul 15 18:18:28 EDT 2001

Me parece que kj0 <kj0 at> dijo:
> Where can I find a reasonably non-partisan but also reasonably
> detailed comparison of the more popular OO languages (C++, Java,
> Python, etc.).  (All the comparisons I've found are clearly slanted to
> demonstrate the superiority of the authors' favorite OO language--I'm
> sure it would be easy to find one written by unapologetic Python
> advocates :-)  )

What about Smalltalk?  I know so many lifelong programmers that swear
Smalltalk is the _ONLY_ true OO language.  ;)
(see signature at bottom for one of their many rationales)

> I'm not looking to find out which of these languages is "better"; I
> don't care for ranking here.  What I want to know is how the various
> popular OO languages compare in terms of OO and general programming
> features (e.g. multiple inheritance; classes-as-objects; garbage
> collection; closures; scoping; contracts; debugging; etc.).

IMBANERHO[*], Python offers the greatest flexibility overall in the
areas you listed.  (And this from a long-time and unapologetic Perl

However, you'd always be better off making the decision for yourself.
Try them and see what works best for your applications.

[*] In My Biased And Never Even Remotely Humble Opinion

C++: an octopus made by nailing extra legs onto a dog
    -- unknown

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