web interface to c program running on different server

Peter Hansen peter at engcorp.com
Tue Jul 17 00:12:51 EDT 2001

Lee wrote:
> I wonder if anyone reading this could be kind enough to offer me some
> advice. 
> Of course, there may be hundreds(?) of
> ways to arrive at the desired results - using e.g. ASP, PHP, perl. If
> anyone out there has worked on similar projects, or simply has some
> recommendations, I should very much appreciate their thoughts.
> Ideally, I'd like to have maybe 5 or 6 different implementation
> suggestions with an associated set of pros and cons for each, so I'd
> love to hear lots of suggestions!

You haven't really provided much in the way of information to
allow anyone to suggest pros and cons *in the context of your

Can you provide background on the platforms the various servers
you describe have to run?  (Linux, Windows, undefined?)

Can you discuss the requirements in terms of performance
(required throughput, volume, number of hits, latency, whatever)?

Is this commercial (implying money to pay for certain kinds
of development) or a freebie (implying you are willing to trade
off cost savings against perhaps reduced sophistication)?

I could probably think of a dozen other such questions.

If you provide more detail, maybe you'll get responses more
closely tailored to your application and needs, rather than just
a bunch of random suggestions.  In other words, do you really
want everyone to play pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, or could
you take off the blindfold and point us in the right direction?

Peter Hansen, P.Eng.
peter at engcorp.com

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