File processing

Lutz Schroeer Lutz.Schroeer at
Mon Jul 9 17:30:13 EDT 2001

"Chris McMillan" <christopherjmcmillan at> wrote in
news:9id5p9$8r62 at 

> I'm trying to write a script that will open a file, delete the first
> line, and then save the file with the same name.  Can someone please
> point me in the right direction?  Thanks!

* open source file, 'r'
* open temporary destination file, 'w'
* read first line of source file, throw it away
* read remaining source file lines and write them to destination file
* delete source file
* rename destination file to old source file name

There are several variations of implementation but this raodmap should guide 
you to the right direction.


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