PEP0238 lament

Arthur Siegel ajs at
Mon Jul 23 21:08:19 EDT 2001

>Well, I'll see what I can do. In the language there are (at least)
>two distinct things we might want to do when "dividing" A and B:

>  (1) split A up into B parts
>  (2) find how many B's fit in an A


The well intentioned response I think only points out the problem

You don't seem to understand that my point is that, within reason, 
I do in fact understand all this fairly well. Anyone else of normal 
intelligence should be able to also. 

My further point is that there is a lot about programming that 
I do find difficult.  The difficult parts. 

Which is why I keep feeling the techies among you have
lost touch with common sense.  Almost comically.  
The easy stuff is easy, the hard stuff is hard.  
It's not that difficult to separate which is which. 
Which is why I am always amazed at what gets
reported - and taken seriously - as significant.

Will I have any problem with // and / - using them appropriately

Doubt it.

Can I handle case sensitivity any way you give it to me.


Why is two years of discussion going on as if someone like
myself is not fully representative.  I simply have no reason
to believe I am not.  And will scrutinize carefully any evidence
which contends otherwise.

Should major design decisions for a professional language be
made on anecdotal reports from ???????? sources without 
a hard look at  their context and meaning.  Not in my opinion.

Do I believe the change is a significant enhancement on behalf
of the newbie.

Not in the least.

Will Python be a better language after it is done.  I don't have a
good basis to disagree with that assertion.

And none of these statements seem a bit contradictory to me.

>A good example of (1) is float division, and the cannonical example 
>of (2) is "int division", aka "div". These are DIFFERENT THINGS.
>For instance, if you are implementing a sort algorithm, you may
>well want (2) in a place where (1) will never do! On the other
>hand, if your program is performing CAD drawings, then (1) is
>probably the meaning you need. Note that (2) often makes most sense
>with integers (especially since it always gives out an integer),
>while (1) may make sense with floats, rationals, fixed-position
>decimals, as well as various other numerical types.

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