Javascript + Python...

Peter Hansen peter at
Fri Jul 13 23:44:45 EDT 2001

"Vincent A. Primavera" wrote:
> Hello,
>         Does anyone know if there are ways to have JavaScript(client side...)
> "communicate" with Python(server side...) via variables(environmental?)
> etc...?

Things that are unclear in your posting:

1. Your environment (are you limiting this to Windows machines? 
   particular versions of Javascript?)

2. What "communicate" means.  Even you seem unsure...

3. Why you want to use "variables" instead of, say, sockets or something else.

4. What environmental (sic) variables have to do with this.  
   *Environment* variables are unrelated to network communications.

5. What you are actually trying to accomplish.  Providing some context
   with questions like this is the most helpful way to get useful responses,
   instead of borderline rude ones like this. :-)

By the way, one possibly I've seen used was MSXML3's special "load" 
function to retrieve from a Python server data formatted as XML.
This only works with IE 5.0 or later with the MSXML3 parser installed
and in any case I'm fairly sure from the way you asked the question
that this solution is not readily available to you...

Peter Hansen, P.Eng.
peter at

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