Couple of newbie questions...

Scott Taylor foobarickknob at
Thu Jul 26 21:05:50 EDT 2001

I'm just getting started w/ Python - and have run into a couple issues
w/ the Windows extensions...

1) time.sleep doesn't seem to release time back to the Win32
subsystem.  I had a tight loop, and CPU was maxed out at 100% even if
I did a PumpWaitingMessages w/ a time.sleep.  To actually get the loop
to return slices of time back to windows and not max out the CPU I had
to do a PumpWaitingMessages followed by a win32api.Sleep(0) call.  My
question is - shouldn't time.sleep actually make the process sleep w/o
hogging CPU?

2) There seems to be a bug in win32gui.SetDlgItemText, or I'm not
using it appropriately.  win32gui.SendMessage w/ a WM_SETTEXT param
works, whereas SetDlgItemText w/ the dialog window and the control
don't... anybody else noticed this?

Thanx... and python rocks!!!


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