webbrowser module reveals a Netscape bug.

Charles Harrison speedy911 at mindspring.com
Fri Jul 6 09:14:21 EDT 2001

This is somewhat unrelated, but the -remote command can be a very fun
one.  If you are working in a school lab environment where you have
the root password on the machines, here's what to do to one of your
close friends:

rsh to the person's machine that you wish to have fun with

su to root on that person's machine

from root, su to the user that is using x on the machine

export DISPLAY=localhost:0.0

xhost +

now the fun...

if they already have netscape open type:
netscape -remote "openURL(www.hotmale.com)"

if they dont, open netscape first, then do the above command:

Yeah, so we get bored at my school.  Enjoy!

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