Marking a Python COM server safe for Internet Explorer

Bill Bell bill-bell at
Sat Jul 7 13:54:49 EDT 2001

"Steve Holden" <sholden at> wrote, in part:
> Because [MS is] the largest software company in the world, by the
> nature of things they come in for a bashing now and then. I hand out
> my share, mostly in fun, but sometimes with a real point.
> In this case, as you and another poster have pointed out, it was my
> misunderstanding.

Well, yes and no, eh.

I'm grateful to "Neil Hodgson" <nhodgson at> for telling me 
about the following page.

It's title is "HOWTO: Mark MFC Controls Safe for Scripting/Initialization" 
and it contains the following advisory, "Please keep in mind that a control 
should only be marked as safe if it is, in fact, safe."

I could hardly believe my eyes when first I read that. Duh, sound advice 
from the world's biggest.

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