interpreter improvements

kevin parks kp87 at
Fri Jul 27 04:42:07 EDT 2001

Thanks everyone. I am learning a lot by this discussion, but i should
point out that the main reason why i am so unhappy with the
interpreter is that  i am ON A MACINTOSH!!! The forgotten platform of
the python world. (thanks god for Jack and Just!)

which means that IDLE, we don't really have! (it's broken, i think and
has been for a while as there are problems with tkinter. Unless i am,
as always, wrong) And our Mac IDE is, uhm... (forgive me
please)...uhmm.... Not fully-featured as IDLE is.

Compound this with the move to OS X and the fact that our text engine
(WASTE) is not yet ready for prime time X wise...

Well. I guess i should be used to it by now and just realize that
macintosh is the runt of the litter and that we will never have the
niceties that other *nix and Windoze users have. I'll die of old age
before we get syntax coloring!

Anyway i hate to send this post because it makes me seem ungrateful
for all that Python and the Python Community has given me. That is not
the case. I am still very much in love with both, but i would be
thrilled, if, just once, the Macintosh was given a bit more Python
love. The Mac is a legit machine, and an affordable one. Lot's of
folks use them. They should all come with Python Pre-installed :-) and
a pretty IDE to make us all happy Pythonites. I mean, don't you pity
us?! What do we have? Awesome hardware and ... Applescript!? The Apple
couldn't even hang on to Smalltalk for us! I've had to wait 10 years
to get back the NeXT machine i had! Guido! Please release the dogs!
The Mac world is on a respirator!

Ok, i am done getting carried away. 

kevin parks
seoul, korea
kp87 at

Guido van Rossum <guido at> wrote in message news:<cpd76n5p7q.fsf at>...
> Skip Montanaro <skip at> writes:
> > As others (including Guido) have observed, having a line editing subsystem

> Creating an editing subsystem is a lot of work.  I created one that
> knows the structure of the language, and it is distributed for free
> with Python.  The only downside is that it uses a GUI, so it's not for
> everyone.  Its name?  IDLE.
> BTW, IDLE's rules are almost the same as those used by Emacs
> python-mode.el.  Emacs *does* run in a classic TTY window.
> --Guido van Rossum (home page:

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