Is Python Dead?

David Bolen db3l at
Thu Jul 5 22:35:04 EDT 2001

rcena at (Resty Cena) writes:

> I, too, have been following Python since 1996, waiting all the while
> to make it easy for me to do database programming. What I'd call good
> database support is where I download a file or set of files into a
> directory under my Python directory, perhaps run an install program,
> then start Python, import a package, issue a command to connect to
> Oracle, and start playing around with the scott/tiger database. I
> don't want, nor do I have the time, to compile anything, nor muck
> around with the Windows registry, nor manually set paths -- I just
> want to try the product, not install it for production use. Ideally,
> I'd like the IDE to do this for me. I'm a database programmer, and I
> want to write applications right away. I'm also lazy and I expect much
> from my tools.

BTW, this doesn't cover the whole universe (which is complicated
enough), but since you mentioned it - under Windows, what you want is
pretty much how I perceive the state of affairs, using mxODBC.  All I
did was download it, unzip it (or install it for the newer versions)
and I was done.  I could connect to any of my existing data sources
(via ODBC) just as with any of my other database access mechanisms in
that environment.  No recompiling, no special settings or anything.

True, that's ODBC based, but that seems pretty standard for all the
other access mechanisms I've used under Windows.  I'm sure with other
environments with direct client libraries per-database there's more
complexity, and I can't directly address Python's state of affairs

-- David
 \               David Bolen            \   E-mail: db3l at  /
  |             FitLinxx, Inc.            \  Phone: (203) 708-5192    |
 /  860 Canal Street, Stamford, CT  06902   \  Fax: (203) 316-5150     \

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