A few things :)

Coy Krill coy.krill at verizon.net
Wed Jul 25 13:43:10 EDT 2001

I love Python because I'm dyslexic.

I've programmed in BASIC, Pascal, C, RPG III/IV, CL, C++, and Python for a 
living over the past 12 years.  Of all those languages Python is the 
easiest for me to sit down, read and follow what's going on. Looking at 
dumped dicts or lists of lists and/or tuples is straining, but luckily I 
don't do that too often.

Also one the upside is the great cross-platform support (I use Linux almost 
exclusively, my wife runs Windows, and my son runs Linux and Mac OS.)


Lee Nutter wrote:

> Also, I was just wondering, Why do you use python? To me its a hobby.
> Why do some of you use it over other languages? I love the language,
> don't get me wrong, I was just curious :)
> Thanks,

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