Python, ActivePython, wxPython, etc

Timo Labrenz Timo.Labrenz at
Tue Jul 24 13:20:03 EDT 2001

First, sorry for the very newbish question :)
I've been very unhappy with some of the smaller applications I use 
lately, so I decided to take over control and start learning to 
program. Python seemed to be the right language to start with and is a great help so far. As I looked 
for a 'from scratch' tutorial in this newsgroup, I found that there are 
many toolkits, editors, GUIs and so on for Python available. And to be 
honest, the original Python (2.1.1) package with IDLE seems a little 
weak compared to other packages I've seen. The question is, which one 
to use? I'm an absolute beginner (some experience in gfa-basic from a 
long, long time ago ;)) and I want to write small, usefull programs 
that should work on Windows and maybe, but just maybe, could be 
compiled in Linux. Those programs are mainly administration tools or 
maybe, if I get better, things like a newsreader or -server, nothing 
where big graphics other than boxes and schedules are required. (Btw, 
Python and MySQL is no problem, is it?) I know it's vague question and 
a matter of taste, but where is the difference between all those 
packages and which one could be the best arranged GUI for a beginner. 
wxPython looks quite nice to me, but is it good?
Oh, I almost forgot. How is the comatibility between those toolkits and 
the original Python? Could I even update such a kit with the newest 
version of Python?

Thanks in advance


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