py2exe - convert python scripts into exe files (windows)

Rolander, Dan Dan.Rolander at
Fri Jan 19 10:51:29 EST 2001

Hi Thomas,

I saw your announcement of py2exe on the python list and I'm very excited
about it. But I just tried it and it gave these errors:

Searching modules needed to run ''
warning: py2exe: ************************************************
warning: py2exe: * The following modules were not found:
warning: py2exe: *    pwd
warning: py2exe: *    xml.parsers.pyexpat
warning: py2exe: *    xml.sax.saxlib
warning: py2exe: *    org.python.core
warning: py2exe: *    MACFS
warning: py2exe: *    ic
warning: py2exe: *    ce
warning: py2exe: *    java.lang
warning: py2exe: *    macfs
warning: py2exe: *    SOCKS
warning: py2exe: *    termios
warning: py2exe: *    EasyDialogs
warning: py2exe: *    TERMIOS
warning: py2exe: *    xml.sax.saxexts
warning: py2exe: ************************************************

Do I need to explicity import these in the script? I'm sorry but
I'm not that familiar with the distutils.


-----Original Message-----
From: Thomas Heller [mailto:thomas.heller at]
Sent: Friday, January 19, 2001 9:13 AM
To: python-list at
Subject: py2exe - convert python scripts into exe files (windows)

I've created a distutils extension to convert python scripts
into standalone windows executable files.
You end up with an exe-file as well as pythonxx.dll
plus some .pyd's.

This is more or less a rewrite of Gordon's installer project.


Compatibility: Python 1.5 or later.

License: BSD


Thomas Heller


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