simple symbolic math in Python

Delaney, Timothy tdelaney at
Sun Jan 7 22:27:08 EST 2001

How about __coerce__ ? Would that enable you to do what you want?

Tim Delaney
Avaya Australia
+61 2 9352 9079

> -----Original Message-----
> From: kragen at [mailto:kragen at]
> Sent: Monday, 8 January 2001 1:32 PM
> To: python-list at
> Subject: simple symbolic math in Python
> I posted most of this to kragen-hacks
> <kragen-hacks-subscribe at> late last millennium.
> I'm running into a problem: I can overload unary minus, but I can't
> overload e.g. math.sin and math.cos, because they're not methods.  It
> would be really nice to have a way to do that.  I can create objects
> that act just like dictionaries or files, including working 
> with almost
> all of the built-in functions, but it doesn't look like I can create
> objects that look just like numbers.
> I'm thinking about implementing promises (aka deferred references) as
> in E <> as well; I'm still reading the E
> documentation.
> I hope folks enjoy this.
> # Kragen Sitaker, 2000-12-30.
> # Some simple symbolic math.
> # Allows you to add, subtract, etc., simple formulas -- using 
> the ordinary
> # Python operations.  Implements all of the standard 
> arithmetic operations.
> # Once you have a formula, you can print it out as a string, 
> evaluate it
> # for particular values of its variables, call 'simplified()' to get a
> # simplified version, check to see if it's exactly identical 
> to some other
> # formula, or (in some cases --- if you've used only +, -, and *, and
> # fixed exponents) take its symbolic derivative.  See the test()
> # routine at the end for details. Symbolic derivatives will generally
> # need to be simplified() to taste very good.
> # Not intended for serious use; it's just a quick hack I 
> wrote this afternoon.
> # Some things it might be fun to add:
> # - a compile() method that returns a Python code object that 
> would give you
> #   faster evaluation
> # - a continued-fraction output mode a la HAKMEM
> # - symbolic derivatives that cover more operations
> # - better simplifications ( ((x + x) + (2 * x)) should 
> simplify to (3 * x) )
> # - unary operations: negation, transcendentals
> # - better printing: a + b + c + d should print as a + b + c + d, not
> #   as (((a + b) + c) + d)
> # - other symbolic manipulations
> import math
> # things inherit from Formula to get the glue that turns Python
> # expressions into representations of expressions
> class Formula:
>     def __complex__(self): return complex(self.eval({}))
>     def __int__(self): return int(self.eval({}))
>     def __long__(self): return long(self.eval({}))
>     def __float__(self): return float(self.eval({}))
>     def __pos__(self): return self  # positive
>     def __neg__(self): return Unop('-', self)
>     def __add__(self, other): return Binop('+', self, other)
>     def __radd__(self, other): return Binop('+', other, self)
>     def __sub__(self, other): return Binop('-', self, other)
>     def __rsub__(self, other): return Binop('-', other, self)
>     def __mul__(self, other): return Binop('*', self, other)
>     def __rmul__(self, other): return Binop('*', other, self)
>     def __div__(self, other): return Binop('/', self, other)
>     def __rdiv__(self, other): return Binop('/', other, self)
>     def __pow__(self, other): return Binop('**', self, other)
>     def __rpow__(self, other): return Binop('**', other, self)
>     # one out of place: syntactic sugar for 'eval'
>     # this lets me say f.where(x = 2) instead of f.eval({'x':2})
>     def where(self, **vars): return self.eval(vars)
> def constant(expr):
>     return isinstance(expr, Constant)
> # simplify an addition expression by dropping zeroes
> def simplify_add(a, b):
>     if a.identical(mkf(0)): return b
>     elif b.identical(mkf(0)): return a
>     # and this is the point at which we abandon pretenses of 
> OO correctness
>     elif isinstance(b, Unop) and b._op == '-':
>         return (a - b._arg).simplified()
>     else: return a + b
> # simplify a multiplication expression by dropping ones and converting
> # 0 * anything to 0
> def simplify_multiply(a, b):
>     if a.identical(mkf(0)) or b.identical(mkf(0)): return mkf(0)
>     elif a.identical(mkf(1)): return b
>     elif b.identical(mkf(1)): return a
>     elif a.identical(mkf(-1)): return (-b).simplified()
>     elif b.identical(mkf(-1)): return (-a).simplified()
>     else: return a * b
> def simplify_subtract(a, b):
>     if b.identical(mkf(0)): return a
>     elif isinstance(b, Unop) and b._op == '-':
>         return (a + b._arg).simplified()
>     else: return a - b
> def simplify_power(a, b):
>     if b.identical(mkf(0)): return mkf(1)
>     elif b.identical(mkf(1)): return a
>     else: return a ** b
> DerivativeError = "Can't differentiate"
> def power_derivative(base, exp, var):
>     if not exp.derivative(var).simplified().identical(mkf(0)):
>         raise DerivativeError, ("too dumb for varying 
> exponent", exp, var)
>     return exp * base ** (exp - 1) * base.derivative(var)
> # Binary operation class
> class Binop(Formula):
>     opmap = { '+': lambda a, b: a + b,
>               '*': lambda a, b: a * b,
>               '-': lambda a, b: a - b,
>               '/': lambda a, b: a / b,
>               '**': lambda a, b: a ** b }
>     def __init__(self, op, value1, value2):
>         self.op = op
>         self.values = mkf(value1), mkf(value2)
>     def __str__(self):
>         return "(%s %s %s)" % (self.values[0], self.op, 
> self.values[1])
>     def eval(self, env):
>         return self.opmap[self.op](self.values[0].eval(env),
>                                    self.values[1].eval(env))
>     # the partial derivative with respect to some variable 'var'
>     derivmap = { '+': lambda a, b, var: a.derivative(var) + 
> b.derivative(var),
>                  '-': lambda a, b, var: a.derivative(var) - 
> b.derivative(var),
>                  '*': lambda a, b, var: (a * b.derivative(var) +
>                                          b * a.derivative(var)),
>                  '**': power_derivative };
>     def derivative(self, var):
>         return self.derivmap[self.op](self.values[0], 
> self.values[1], var)
>     # very basic simplifications
>     simplifymap = { '+': simplify_add,
>                     '*': simplify_multiply,
>                     '-': simplify_subtract,
>                     '**': simplify_power};
>     def simplified(self):
>         values = self.values[0].simplified(), 
> self.values[1].simplified()
>         if constant(values[0]) and constant(values[1]):
>             # this is kinda gross
>             return mkf(Binop(self.op, values[0], values[1]).eval({}))
>         elif self.simplifymap.has_key(self.op):
>             return self.simplifymap[self.op](values[0], values[1])
>         else:
>             return Binop(self.op, values[0], values[1])
>     def identical(self, other):
>         return (isinstance(other, Binop) and other.op == self.op and
>                 other.values[0].identical(self.values[0]) and
>                 other.values[1].identical(self.values[1]))
> class Unop(Formula):
>     opmap = { '-': lambda x: -x,
>               'sin': lambda x: math.sin(x),
>               'cos': lambda x: math.cos(x) }
>     def __init__(self, op, arg):
>         self._op = op
>         self._arg = mkf(arg)
>     def __str__(self):
>         return "%s(%s)" % (self._op, self._arg)
>     def eval(self, env):
>         return self.opmap[self._op](self._arg.eval(env))
>     # note that each of these entries implicitly contains the 
> chain rule;
>     # that's bad and should be fixed.
>     derivmap = { '-': lambda x, var: -x.derivative(var),
>                  'sin': lambda x, var: x.derivative(var) * cos(x),
>                  'cos': lambda x, var: -x.derivative(var) * sin(x) }
>     def derivative(self, var):
>         return self.derivmap[self._op](self._arg, var)
>     def identical(self, other):
>         return isinstance(other, Unop) and 
> self._arg.identical(other._arg)
>     def simplified(self):
>         simplearg = self._arg.simplified()
>         if constant(simplearg):
>             return mkf(Unop(self._op, simplearg).eval({}))
>         if (self._op == '-' and isinstance(simplearg, Unop) and
>             simplearg._op == '-'):
>             return simplearg._arg.simplified()
>         else: return Unop(self._op, simplearg)
> def cos(f): return Unop('cos', f)
> def sin(f): return Unop('sin', f)
> class Variable(Formula):
>     def __init__(self, name): self._name = name
>     def eval(self, environment): return environment[self._name]
>     def __str__(self): return self._name
>     def derivative(self, var):
>         if self._name == var._name: return mkf(1)
>         else: return mkf(0)
>     def identical(self, other):
>         return isinstance(other, Variable) and other._name == 
> self._name
>     def simplified(self): return self
> class Constant(Formula):
>     def __init__(self, value): self._value = value
>     def eval(self, env): return self._value
>     def __str__(self): return str(self._value)
>     def derivative(self, var): return mkf(0)
>     def identical(self, other):
>         return isinstance(other, Constant) and other._value 
> == self._value
>     def simplified(self): return self
> # make formula
> def mkf(value):
>     if type(value) in (type(1), type(1L), type(1.5), type(1j)):
>         return Constant(value)
>     elif type(value) is type("hi"):
>         return Variable(value)
>     elif isinstance(value, Formula):
>         return value
>     else:
>         raise TypeError, ("Can't make formula from", value)
> # syntactic sugar so you can say instead of mkf('foo') or
> # Variable('foo')
> class Vars:
>     def __getattr__(self, name): return Variable(name)
> vars = Vars()
> def test():
>     assert mkf(2365).eval({}) == 2365
>     one = mkf(1)
>     assert str(one) == '1'
>     assert one.eval({}) == 1
>     assert isinstance(one + one, Formula)
>     assert (one + one).eval({}) == 2
>     assert str(one + one) == '(1 + 1)'
>     x = vars.x
>     assert isinstance(x, Variable)
>     assert x.eval({'x': 37}) == 37
>     assert (one + x).eval({'x': 108}) == 109
>     assert str(one + x) == '(1 + x)'
>     got_error = 0
>     try:
>         x.eval({})
>     except KeyError:
>         got_error = 1
>     assert got_error
>     assert (1 + one).eval({}) == 2
>     assert (2 * mkf(3)).eval({}) == 6
>     assert (mkf(2) * 3).eval({}) == 6
>     assert (14 - one).eval({}) == 13
>     assert (one - 14).eval({}) == -13
>     assert int(one) == 1
>     seven = (14 / mkf(2))
>     assert isinstance(seven, Formula)
>     assert seven.eval({}) == 7
>     assert float(seven) == 7.0
>     assert int(+one) == 1
>     got_error = 0
>     try:
>         z = mkf(test)
>     except TypeError:
>         got_error = 1
>     assert got_error
>     two_to_the_x = (2 ** x)
>     assert str(two_to_the_x) == '(2 ** x)'
>     assert two_to_the_x.eval({'x': 20}) == 1048576
>     assert two_to_the_x.where(x=20) == 1048576
>     assert (x ** 2).eval({'x': 13}) == 169
>     formula = (x + 1)/((x * x) - +two_to_the_x)
>     assert str(formula) == '((x + 1) / ((x * x) - (2 ** 
> x)))', str(formula)
>     assert (x / 1).eval({'x': 36}) == 36
>     assert long(one) == 1L
>     assert complex(one) == 1+0j
>     i = mkf(1j)
>     assert complex(i) == 1j
>     y = vars.y
>     minusx = -x
>     assert minusx.where(x = 5) == -5
>     assert (-minusx).simplified().identical(x)
>     assert str(minusx) == '-(x)'
>     assert not minusx.identical(x)
>     assert minusx.identical(-x)
>     assert not minusx.identical(-y)
>     cosx = cos(x)
>     assert cosx.where(x = 0) == 1
>     assert cosx.where(x = 1) != 1
>     assert x.derivative(x).simplified().identical(mkf(1))
>     assert x.derivative(y).simplified().identical(mkf(0))
>     assert (x * y).derivative(x).simplified().identical(y)
>     assert (x + y).derivative(x).simplified().identical(mkf(1))
>     assert (x - y).derivative(x).simplified().identical(mkf(1))
>     assert two_to_the_x.simplified().identical(two_to_the_x)
>     assert (2 * x).derivative(x).simplified().identical(mkf(2))
>     assert (x ** 0).simplified().identical(mkf(1))
>     assert (x ** 1).simplified().identical(x)
>     assert (x ** 2).derivative(x).simplified().identical(2 * x)
>     assert minusx.derivative(x).simplified().eval({}) == -1
>     assert cosx.derivative(x).where(x = 0) == 0
>     assert (-1 * x).simplified().identical(-x)
>     assert (x * -1).simplified().identical(-x)
>     assert (mkf(2) * 3 * 4).simplified().identical(mkf(24))
>     assert (-mkf(1)).simplified().identical(mkf(-1))
>     assert (-(1 * cos(x))).simplified().identical(-cos(x))
>     sinx = sin(x)
>     assert (-(-(mkf(1)) * sinx)).simplified().identical(sinx)
>     one = mkf(1)
>     assert (-one * (one * (-one * x))).simplified().identical(x)
>     assert (1 - -x).simplified().identical(1 + x)
>     assert (1 - - - -x).simplified().identical(1 + x)
> test()
> -- 
> <kragen at>       Kragen Sitaker     
> <>
> Perilous to all of us are the devices of an art deeper than we possess
> ourselves.
>        -- Gandalf the White [J.R.R. Tolkien, "The Two 
> Towers", Bk 3, Ch. XI]
> -- 

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