sockets: client dies...

Donn Cave donn at
Wed Jan 24 22:52:24 EST 2001

Quoth Rick Lee <rwklee at>:
| You should be able to tell on the recv().  It will throw an exception, not
| just return "no data".
| Here is from a piece of working code I have:
| try:
|     data = self.connection.recv(MaxBytes)
| except socket.error,v:

I misinterpreted that at first!  What you mean is, if the socket
isn't readable and would block, then if nonblocking it will
instead raise an exception (with v.errno == errno.EAGAIN);
when the socket closes, it becomes readable and then it will
return ''.  So the story is similar, even if for whatever
reason the socket has been set nonblocking.


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