Calling an exe within Python

David A. Fuess fuess at
Tue Jan 30 09:43:28 EST 2001

things that execute exe threads in os include ...

execl (path, arg0, arg1, ...) 
execle (path, arg0, arg1, ..., env) 
execlp (path, arg0, arg1, ...) 
execv (path, args) 
execve (path, args, env) 
execvp (path, args) 
execvpe (path, args, env) 

Look in the documentation for particulars. I believe all are modal on

You can use fork on UNIX.


dockeen at (Dockeen) wrote:

>If I were to use Python as a controller / integrator for a number of
>stand-alone executables, then I would need to call those exe files from within
>(1) Easy question, is this possible?
>(2) When I do such a call, does execution within the Python script wait for the
>exe to finish or does it spawn a new threat for the exe and move on?
>However dumb you think my questions are, they are nowhere near as
>intellectually challenged as I am.

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