Python: what's the best way to copy files on a LAN?

Chris Watson chris at
Wed Jan 24 09:52:38 EST 2001

> I mean security-wise. I'd like to use FTPLIB but am hesitant about the
> security issues involved in using that plain-text protocol.

scp. Without a doubt.


import os

host = raw_input("Enter a hostname: ");

os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, '/usr/bin/scp', ('-v', 'username@%s:/home/username/TESTFILE' % host, '/tmp/TESTFILE'))

os.system("pico /tmp/TESTFILE")

os.spawnv(os.P_WAIT, '/usr/local/bin/rsync', ('rsync', '-v', '-p', '-e', 'ssh', '/tmp/TESTFILE', 'username@%s:/home/username/TESTFILE' % host))

This will fetch a file with scp from a remote host over to the localhost,
then rsync it back after a change was made with pico. But your only
interested in the scp line. Works great, even with RSA keys.

-Chris Watson         (316) 326-3862 | FreeBSD Consultant, FreeBSD Geek 
Work:              scanner at | Open Systems Inc., Wellington, Kansas
Home:  scanner at |
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