DTML/Zope AND Flash

cprice404 at my-deja.com cprice404 at my-deja.com
Wed Jan 10 18:22:27 EST 2001

You should be able to use a dtml document--we've done it on several
occasions.  One problem that I have had in the past is that it seems
that the dtml document can't have any carriage returns in it.  So what
I've had to do on several occasions is use 2 dtml docs... so let's say
that I have a doc1 and doc2 and the flash client makes it's request to
doc1.  Here is an example of what those docs might look like:

<dtml-call doc2><dtml-var result>

<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('result', '')">
<dtml-in someZQLMethod>
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('result', result + 'var=value&')">
<dtml-call "REQUEST.set('result', result + 'end_of_vars=1'">

You will obviously need to muck with the part inside of the dtml-in but
this general structure has worked for us on several occasions.

I think the main problem is that many of the <dtml-call>'s or
<dtml-in>'s that you make in your dtml doc will throw some whitespace
into the output, and as soon as the flash client receives a blank line
it thinks it's reached the end of it's input.

Hope that helps.


In article <93i5su$kfs$1 at news1.xs4all.nl>,
  "DamageCase" <menno at phreaker.net> wrote:
> Hello all, I have a question regarding the use of flash on a zope server !
> I hope someone can help me out here !
> I'm trying to load a simple .txt file into flash, which isn't the
problem of
> course, the problem I have is that I want to make the .txt variable using
> dtml that get's is content from a MySQL database. Simply putting
> in the .txt file does not work ( how surprising =P )  but Flash does not
> want to read from other format's than txt, so a dtml-document does not
> either.
> Does anybody have an solution for this problem ?
> friendly regards, Menno

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