Fatal Python error: Interpreter not initialized (version mismatch?)

Dan Parisien dan at eevolved.com
Tue Jan 30 13:03:11 EST 2001

Ack! Help!

Anyone ever seen this? I am trying to call the method of a class instance 
and it dies with the message in the subject.

I placed debug statements everywhere and it doesn't seem to even touch the 
called code! It dies while calling the code...

Anyone know what's up? I am using threads and I think that is the problem 
but it is still one of the weirdest things.

Also, with digital creations now hosting python and all that, do you think 
they will create a better navigatable site for python.org? I'm up for hire 
to do it myself if no one has time :) The point is the site search engine 
doesn't work at all and I was trying to look for help on this subject... 
There is a LOT of info on the site, but I can't seem to find any help 
whenever I have a problem...

dan at eevolved.com

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