PSU uses emacs?

Barry A. Warsaw barry at
Fri Jan 19 21:05:31 EST 2001

>>>>> "GE" == Grant Edwards <grante at> writes:

    GE> Under Linux (console or X) It's fairly simple to put it back
    GE> where it's supposed to be.  Under WinNT, there's some sort of
    GE> registry magic that can be done.

I've actually had to resort to a kernel driver hack to get them
swapped under NT 4.0.  I got it off the 'net some place and it was
called ctrl2cap, although I had to modify the source to actually
/swap/ them (I think the original code actually just overlaid control
onto caps, but then there was no capslock).

IMO, resorting to such a hack is pretty pathetic for a modern
operating system.  I sure hope Win2k makes it easier to remap the

been-windows-free-for-two-months-ly y'rs,

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