Strange variable scope... is this right?

Patricia Hawkins phawkins at
Sat Jan 20 19:26:27 EST 2001

>>>>> "g" == gradha  <gradha at> writes:

g> I expected python to bark at me like C would, but from what I read in the
g> tutorials, this seems to be one of those variable scope issues, right?
g> AFAICS, python will create a different variable scope at both for's,
g> hence the possibility to reuse the variable name f, since it means a
g> different thing at each scope, being unavailable from outside it's scope.

Ahem! Woof, woof:

[pjh at judith pjh]$ cat scope.c
#include <stdio.h>
  int a = 3;
  printf ("outer a: %i \n", a);
           int a = 77;
           printf("inner a: %i \n", a);
  printf ("bottom: outer a: %i \n", a);

[pjh at judith pjh]$ gcc scope.c
[pjh at judith pjh]$ ./a.out
outer a: 3 
inner a: 77 
bottom: outer a: 3 
[pjh at judith pjh]$ 

Are-there-no-c-programmers-among-us-ly yours, 
Patricia J. Hawkins
Hawkins Internet Applications, LLC

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