Electronic edition of 'The Standard Python Library'

Jason Cunliffe jasonic at nomadicsltd.com
Tue Jan 2 12:27:17 EST 2001

I too had had major headaches getting a working copy of 'The Standard
Library' from Fat-Brain. The forst one was corrupt - finally they answered
then forgot to do the followup.After more nagging I succeeded.

Recently I also upgrade laptops = first the search for the oginal install
file and then began the search for the email holdiing the crucial install
key. Eventually found that on a CD bakup I had made. phew! I burned these
onto  asingle CD so at least now I don't have to waste time like that again.

Took the disk around to a local printshop and had them pintout + bind it up
into a comb binder with covers :-).
Now at least it is readable and reliable.

It is a great book, but disabling the 'copy text' feature is !@#$ pain for
bad tpist liek me. On the one hand it encourages me to enter code myself adn
learn by doing. Can't argue with that. But I honestly feel that should be
_my_ choice. Effectively it is only distribution trick - and by the time I
had lost time and paid for even a cheap binding, I was left wondering what
the real advantages were.

I am all in favour of electronic publishing, but throwing away one of the
key features [cut'n'paste] like this seems crazy.
Isn't there a better way to handle this which works for everyone?

- Jason
Jason CUNLIFFE = NOMADICS['Interactive Art and Technology']

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