Electronic edition of 'The Standard Python Library'

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at effbot.org
Tue Jan 2 17:00:47 EST 2001

John D. Gorman wrote:
>     I also had a registration problem with the Fatbrain ematter
> version of /F's book.
> /F has also turned off text copying (i.e., cut and paste to the
> clipboard, perhaps for obvious reasons)

Just a couple of notes:

- Fatbrain has stopped using their custom distribution format
(well, you cannot even buy it from them right now, but that
will change).  Fatbrain and MightyWords are now using Adobe's
own "secure PDF" format, which is supposed to work much

(It should also work on non-Windows platforms, but I haven't
tested that myself)

- And yes, the final preparation is made by the publisher; they
want their material to be printable, but hard to copy.  Cannot
do much about that at this time (if I could chose, I'd bundle a
ZIP file with the PDF).

- Finally, the eff-bot library guide will be available in a more
traditional book form in a not too distant future, under a
slightly different title.

(In fact, if you do a little digging, you can already buy it
from amazon and fatbrain, and have it shipped when it's
released.  I wouldn't trust the given release date, though.
And I don't know any of the authors... ;-)

stupid-ly yrs /F

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