SVG Tools?

Greg Landrum glandrum at
Sun Jan 21 10:56:09 EST 2001

In article <mailman.980089104.18988.python-list at>,
  msrisney at wrote:
> I've been messing about with a collection of Perl modules,
> and scripts related to dynamic SVG generation.
> Are there any equivilant  Python efforts out there ?,

Here are just a couple I know about.

Sketch supports SVG exports:
but I haven't used it.

Piddle includes an SVG canvas in the CVS version
and Sping (the new name for piddle) includes the same canvas.  Sping
is accessible from the piddle pages on sourceforge.

I'm the author of the SVG canvas for piddle/sping.  It supports static
SVG, no interaction or fancy filters or anything like that (this is
consistent with the Piddle Canvas API).  I keep thinking about adding
interactivity support to the Piddle SVG canvas, but I haven't devoted
any significant time to it yet (other things always seem to come up).

I hope this helps,

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