How do I know all thrown exceptions of a function?

Andrew Dalke dalke at
Mon Jan 22 20:33:03 EST 2001

Delaney, Timothy wrote:
>Personally, I think Java's view of exceptions (almost) makes

Actually, I disagree.  Consider a function which numerically
integrates another function over a given range:

def integrate(func, x_min, x_max):
  will compute func(x) for several values of x between [x_min, x_max]

What exceptions does "integrate" throw, given that "func" can
throw anything?  As I understand the Java way, you must declare
all of the exceptions thrown by "func", which most people will
take to mean it only throws a math error (divide by zero, overflow,
etc.).  Once the "func" exceptions are known, the "integrate"
ones are also known.

However, suppose func is very involved and I decide to use a cache:

class MyCache:
  def __init__(self, func, cache_file = "func.cache"):
    # open the file as a dbm; don't know the args but this is
    self.cache =, "rw")  # close enough
    self.func = func
  def __call__(self, x):
    y = self.cache.get(x)
    if y is not None:
       return y
    y = self.func(x)
    self.cache[x] = y
    return y

Suppose also that the file system breaks, or gets full, so the
dbm interface no longer works.  This throws a dbm error.  What
is the best way to handle this unexpected exception in the
Java way?

I actually don't know.  As far as I can tell, the only way to
do it is let integrate raise a specific "CannotIntegrate"
exception, then implement a wrapper, like for MyCache, which
converts any non-numeric exception in the CannotIntegrate
exception, as in

    y = self.func(x)
  except (DivideByZeroException, other expected math errors ...):
  except (SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):  # allow forced breaks
    .. convert to a CannotIntegrate exception ..
  return y

To me, this is ugly and error prone.  (Is this really what
you need to do for Java - the Feb. Dr. Dobb's comparison
between Java and C# suggests so.)  Thus, I would rather write
my code to be exception safe, in that it gracefully accepts
any exception, then to declare every exception type.

                    dalke at

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