Best way to learn Python ?

Oldayz sill at
Tue Jan 16 20:51:43 EST 2001

On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 20:38:10 -0800, J5 <johnny5s_alive at> wrote:
>No schools teach it, so what books do you recommend ?
>Also, what are some cool programming projects I could do ?
>What do you guys write with python ?

I personally read the tutorial on, got the ORA programming python
book (although I don't like it for some reason) and write small programs I
need.. for instance, I needed to read some e-books but text files with really
long lines are hard to read in vim so I wrote a small python script that splits
them up into 80 char ones.. then I wrote a small script that autostarts screen-
saver every 10 minutes unless 'no screensaver' flag is set (to give my eyes
some rest :-), then I wrote a small script that is a frontend to cdrecord,
cdrdao, mkisofs, to burn cds.. then I made a little script that changes back-
ground in WM randomly and is run every day from crontab.. and then the biggest
one i wrote (at ~200 lines) is a program that keeps track of how much time
I spend on a project - so that I can look at the logfile and say 'damn.. I only
worked on this 15 hours this week, I better stop being so lazy'. I'm also
planning two more things: irc client (i'm looking through pyirc to see how
things are done..) and a frontend to mpg123 that would allow me to rate songs
and play them randomly with higher rated songs having more of a chance of being

So, in other words, the best way to learn is to do things that you need to
be done.. I also try to follow the newsgroup, look at the questions and
answers and learn from that.

Hope this helps.



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