How robust is Python ?

Alan Gauld alan.gauld at
Wed Jan 10 09:33:15 EST 2001

rturpin at wrote:
> In article <mailman.978748447.21713.python-list at>,
>   Moshe Zadka <moshez at> wrote:
> > .. C/C++ core dumps at the drop of a pointer. ..
> In theory, that's an application flaw, 

Mot in theory, in practice. Its just very easy to have these 
flaws in C++.

But most modern telephone switches are written in C++ and they 
run with "seven 9's" reliability, ie. 99.99999% uptime. 
It's an industry standard for public switches. 

Better than any computer you can by off the shelf even so called 
high availability boxes. But the software takes an age to
needs good CASE tool support combined with formal methods. It's 
possible, just costly.

Python provides an easier and cheaper path to similar levels 
of reliability but bad programming will still be buggy
Just don't blame the language.

> software engineering produces C/C++ programs that
> very rarely dereference bad pointers. It's harder
> and more work than development with Python.

exactly so.

Alan G.
This post represents the views of the author 
and does not necessarily accurately represent 
the views of BT.

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