Thank you (was Re: Should I learn Python or Java?)

D-Man dsh8290 at
Sun Jan 7 10:57:07 EST 2001

Looks like I'm a bit late with this thread, but I'll add my $0.02

I am currently employed to do Java development.  (I'm a co-op, still
in college so if anyone knows of a company that does python
development, let me know)  I much prefer python to java.  Java retains
much of the compile-time headaches that C/C++ have (largely related to
static type-checking).  Also, Java does some weird things with respect
to objects vs. built-in types and not having generics.  One of the
results is that you *can't* put an 'int' in a list/vector/etc.

Python, being very dynamic, is really easy to do anything you want.
It's syntax is also much cleaner and simpler.

As for portability, Python is much more portable than Java is.  It is
also much older (and stabler, and faster, etc) than Java so I don't
think it will displace Java soon (unless someone can convice a big
name company to spend lots of money promoting it ;-)).

Enjoy your python experience,

On Sun, Jan 07, 2001 at 07:39:18AM +0000, Charlotte Williams wrote:
| Thank you, everyone, for all your help.  If indeed Python is everything you
| say it is, it would seem a worth while investment in time to learn.  I'll
| try coding some in Python and see how the language "feels."
| David Williams
| -- 

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