little standalone windows game

Pete Shinners shredwheat at
Fri Jan 19 10:30:02 EST 2001

Don wrote:
> I'd be interested in hearing about how your solution works and seeing the
> code. I too have been searching for a way to create 2.0 standalones
> (particularly for Win32) for awhile now. <snipped>

wow, now that is high tech. my version is something similar to that,
but its done more "the manual way". i have a starting point directory
that includes just about all of python. once the standalone is up and
running, the job is to manually delete all the files unneeded by the
app (careful guessing).

the one extra my version does include is a small booting application
that automatically launches a predefined python script. (not a whole
lot different than just pythonw.exe really, but owell)

one simple change i still want to do it get all the python modules compiled
into PYO files (without documentation, etc). this would make the overall
filesize a little smaller is my guess.

automatically generating the minimal amount of files would be the ideal.
i was thinking about creating a small "rexec" python where i could
log every import and open() call. it still wouldn't be foolproof for
grabbingall the needed files, but i think it would to 99% of the job
99% of the time.

> Python is a great language and the full install with all of the libraries is
> a very powerful thing, but the difficulty in creating small standalone
> distributions is (I think) the biggest issue.

i agree, and i see this question asked every single day on the
python newsgroup. hmm, perhaps i'll be inspired to continue... :]

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