adding the XML to 2.0 to be a mistake?

Robert Roy rjroy at
Fri Jan 19 23:54:59 EST 2001

On 19 Jan 2001 14:19:17 +0100, Martin von Loewis
<loewis at> wrote:

>Today, pyexpat allows access to all entity refs to day, it reports the
>start and the end of CDATA sections, and it reports comments. So while
>I can follow the problems you have with SAX, I can't see why you
>complain about pyexpat.

pyexpat allows access to external entities. If an entity is not
declared it chokes. That is the behaviour of the underlying expat.
However you are correct,  I had not realized that the additional
handlers had been added to the expat interface. I had tried to migrate
to pyexpat a while ago but had to go back to xmllib because of some of
these issues. I gripe a lot about the entities but it is not that big
an issue when you get down to it, I just hate having to run every bit
of data through a substitution routine for the sake of a few entities.
Definitely cornercase though.


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