My first script (so go easy on me!)

Oldayz sill at
Tue Jan 16 21:35:07 EST 2001

On Tue, 16 Jan 2001 15:50:17 GMT, Robert L Hicks <bobhicks at> wrote:
># This is a small script to cause the inetd daemon to re-read itself
>r = "kill -HUP `ps cax|grep inetd|awk '{print $1}'`"  # restarts the daemon
>n = "Inetd not restarted"
>w = "Answer needs to be 'yes' or 'no'. Try again!"
>answer = " "
>query = raw_input("Do you want to restart the INETD daemon? (yes/no): ")
#I'd do it like this:
answer = raw_input("Do you want to restart the INETD daemon? [Y/n]: ")
# Y is default, i.e. hitting enter is interpreted as yes
# typing yes or no is really too much typing in this case

>if len(answer) > 2:
>    print r
>elif len(answer) < 2:
>    print w
>    print n

if len(answer) == 0:
	# os.system runs the string..
elif answer[0] == 'y' or answer[0] == 'Y':
elif answer[0] == 'n' or answer[0] == 'N':
	print n
	print w

# I'm assuming r does what it's supposed to, I didn't test it.. nor the
# code above

Hope this helps.
>Is this ok? My question is when the print statement is run do I need to do a
>linefeed so the terminal accepts what was printed? Or does the fact that
>python send the print to the terminal cause the terminal to execute it?
>How would you clean this up?



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