Migrating to perl?

Joel Ricker joejava at dragonat.net
Fri Jan 5 18:38:52 EST 2001

Moshe Zadka wrote in message ...
>On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, "Joel Ricker" <joejava at dragonat.net> wrote:
>>  Also if I
>> understand your example, variables internal to the object are kept
>> internal -- they can't be accessed without a proper method.  With perl
>> anything goes.
>Nope. In Python, anything goes, too. Most people assume that if they
>write in the docs what methods are external, intellegient people will
>use them.

I kind of felt that way too but the book I was reading was taking an almost
paranoid approach to OO (he admitted it as such) and so I was going with
internal only variables.  I'm too new to OO to be deviating from what I'm
being taught without as the book said, "Thou shalt screwe things up".   ;)


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