Migrating to perl?

Moshe Zadka moshez at zadka.site.co.il
Sat Jan 6 05:49:05 EST 2001

On Fri, 5 Jan 2001, "Joel Ricker" <joejava at dragonat.net> wrote:

> I kind of felt that way too but the book I was reading was taking an almost
> paranoid approach to OO (he admitted it as such) and so I was going with
> internal only variables.  I'm too new to OO to be deviating from what I'm
> being taught without as the book said, "Thou shalt screwe things up".   ;)

It's all right to be paranoid: just not in Python. If you want paranoid
OO, look up Sather. It's really a nice language, which is really
really "safe" OO. It's got a lot in common in Python, as well as
some distinguishing features. Personally, I consider Sather to be
much superior to Eiffel, which has similar goals. Bad examples of
lanuguages to learn OO from include Java and C++ -- the object model
is so screwed up, you better learn first a sensible one, and then
understand the damaged ones relative to a good mental model.

Personally, for real world programming, I find paranoia is good
in the correct places. Always test user input for sanity, always
check return values, keep track of what exceptions you need to 
catch. Being paranoid about *users* of the code is usually more
trouble then it's worth, and usually annoys the users more then
helps them.

Moshe Zadka <sig at zadka.site.co.il>
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