I mean *setup.py* ! ... (more questions)

Mike Romberg romberg at smaug.fsl.noaa.gov
Wed Jan 24 01:02:18 EST 2001

>>>>> " " == Andrew Kuchling <akuchlin at mems-exchange.org> writes:


     > Right now the only way to fiddle with setup.py is to edit it,
     > and submit patches back.  I'm planning to have some
     > command-line switches in the next alpha.

  Is there some way to persuade setup.py to look for libraries and
header files (used to build things like _tkinter) in places the
compiler normally does not?  I found that the build_ext command will
take -I and -L switches.  But the build command does not seem to like
them.  For now, is just editing the lib_dirs and inc_dirs arguments to
detect_tkinter() the way to do this?


Mike Romberg (romberg at fsl.noaa.gov)

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