Dynamic attributes

Miki Tebeka mtebeka at iil.intel.com
Thu Jan 18 08:59:30 EST 2001

Hello All,

Is there an "official" way to do the following?

class _setter:
    def __init__(self, dict, key):
        self.__dict = dict
        self.__key = key
    def __call__(self, value):
        self.__dict[self.__key] = value

class _getter:
    def __init__(self, dict, key):
        self.__dict = dict
        self.__key = key
    def __call__(self):
        return self.__dict[self.__key]

class DynAttribs:
    def __init__(self):
        self.__dict = {}
    def addAttrib(self, attrib, value = None):
        try: # check if we were initialized
        key = '__da%s' % attrib
        self.__dict[key] = value
        self.__dict__[attrib] = _getter(self.__dict, key)
        self.__dict__['set%s' % attrib] = _setter(self.__dict, key)

>>> class XY(common.DynAttribs):
...  def __init__(self, x, y):
...	self.addAttrib('x', x)
...  	self.addAttrib('y', y)
>>> xy = XY(1,2)
>>> xy.x()
>>> xy.setx(100)
>>> xy.x()

Of course, you can add variant checks when assigning, but this is the
general idea.

Smile, damn it, smile.

lambda msg: {
	'name' : 'Miki Tebeka',
	'email' : 'tebeka at lycosmail.com',
	'homepage' : 'www.tebeka.freeservers.com',
	'quote' : "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it."

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