mxTools (was Re: why no "do : until"?)

A.M. Kuchling amk at
Tue Jan 9 22:30:57 EST 2001

>There are a potentially infinite number of types/classes/modules which
>can be considered as essential if they are required for consistency in
>more than one other module.

In addition, many modules release new revisions much faster than
Python does.  For example, I consider adding the XML parsing modules
to 2.0 to now have been demonstrated to be a serious mistake; there
have been 2 or 3 PyXML releases since Python 2.0.  The versions in 2.0
had some serious bugs; Martin von Loewis now has to expend effort on
maintaining consistency across two source trees; patches and bug
reports sometimes go into the Python project, sometimes into the PyXML
project; and if you find xml.dom.minidom is present, you have no idea
if it's the latest version or an older buggy version.


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