Python on FreeBSD

Chris Watson chris at
Sun Feb 11 22:43:13 EST 2001

> greetings;
> That's not the problem (i don't think anyway).  The problem is that when
> i tried to make install mod_python it couldn't find a checksum for
> python15 (which as far as i know installed fine as idle works fine).  is
> it safe to force the build w/o a checksum? or is it better to CVSup and
> try to make install again? or will that do anything different?

You need to update your ports tree with cvsup. The md5 checksum on
mod_python changed. And no it isnt going to hurt anything to over ride it
and install it with a mismatched checksum. Not a big deal at all :-)

-Chris Watson         (316) 326-3862 | FreeBSD Consultant, FreeBSD Geek 
Work:              scanner at | Open Systems Inc., Wellington, Kansas
Home:  scanner at |
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