ANNOUNCE: Release 3.0b3 of bsddb3 is available

Robin Dunn robin at
Fri Feb 23 03:00:32 EST 2001

The Python wrappers for BerkeleyDB 3.1.17 ( are
available at

Berkeley DB is a programmatic toolkit that provides high-performance
built-in database support for desktop and server applications.
The Berkeley DB access methods include B+tree, Extended Linear Hashing,
Fixed and Variable-length records, and Queues. Berkeley DB provides full
transactional support, database recovery, online backups, multi-threaded and
multi-process access, etc.

The Python wrappers allow you to store Python string objects of any length,
keyed either by strings or integers depending on the database access method.
With the use of another module in the package standard shelve-like
functionality is provided allowing you to store any picklable Python object!

Changes in this release include the following:

* Lots of bugs fixed.

* General code cleanup and some refactoring.

* Better support for building on many different platforms.

* Better build/install docs.

* More and better unit tests.

* Added DBLock type and methods to DBEnv for acquiring and releasing
arbitrary locks.

* Partial record reads/writes, and class for doing it in a file-like way.

* Classes added for doing lightweight table-like access using a DB for

* Various other methods added.

The focus of the next release will be support for the recently released
BerkeleyDB 3.2.9.

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin at       Java give you jitters?      Relax with wxPython!

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