Fetchmailconf no libtix4.1.8.0.so

Philip Immoos immoos at hotkey.net.au
Tue Feb 6 05:10:56 EST 2001

I am Trying to set up fetchmail. I have installed fetchmail
fetchmailconf python tk.
When I run fetchmailconf I get an error.

    Traceback (innermost last):
        File "/usr/bin/fetchmailconf", line 9 in ?
            from Tkinter import *
    ImportError: No module named Tkinter

I have Installed Tkinter-1.5-7.i386.rpm and Tkinter-1.5.2-13.i368.rpm.
When I install them I get

libtix4.1.8.0.so is needed by Tkinter-1.5.2-?????????

As I have installed Tkinter Where do I go ????

Regards Philip Immoos

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