is and ==

Mark Jackson mjackson at
Mon Feb 26 13:20:10 EST 2001

"Dave Brueck" <dbrueck at> writes:

> The interpreter "caches" integer objects from something like -1 to 100, so
> 'is' evaluates to true for low integers but not higher integers.
> (Also, as the docs point out, this caching means that from inside an
> extension module you could _redefine_ the value of the integer object 5, for
> example:
> >>> evilext.causehavoc(5,10) # sets '5' object to have int value of 10
> >>> 5 + 5
> 20  # Whee!!!

Woah.  Fortran flashbacks. . .

Mark Jackson -
	Having your book made into a movie is like having
	your ox made into a bouillon cube.
				- Bill Neely

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