MIDI extensions (WIN32, Mac)?

Paul Winkler slinkp23 at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 6 02:54:51 EST 2001

Richard Dobson wrote:
> I want to be
> able to at least write MIDI messages to the MIDI OUT port, and hopefully
> to be able to read them from MIDI IN too. Then I could write a simple
> MIDI filter in Python which would, for example, receive live note data
> from MIDI IN, transpose it by some interval, and ouptut the result.

Hi Richard, fancy meeting you here.
I'm afraid I have no idea how to get access to midi devices in Windows
or Mac.

You may want to look at this guy's project:

In Linux it's easy to read or write raw midi data:

input = open('/dev/midi00', 'r')
output = open('/dev/midi01', 'w')

while 1:
	some_notes = MidiBytes(input.read())
	for foo in some_notes:
		foo.channel = foo.channel + 1	

Implementing the MidiByte class and guessing what the methods would do
is left as an exercise to the reader. Don't ask me, I just made them

Also I should say that I have not tested output because I don't have
any external synths. I have read midi input from a keyboard and
printed information about it. Didn't get much farther than that - MIDI
isn't  a big interest of mine.

Good luck,


.................    paul winkler    ..................
slinkP arts:   music, sound, illustration, design, etc.
           web page:  http://www.slinkp.com
      A member of ARMS:   http://www.reacharms.com

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