nested scopes

Joshua Marshall jmarshal at
Fri Feb 9 02:12:45 EST 2001

Greg Ewing <greg at> wrote:
> Tim Peters wrote:
>> It's curious how
>> few have ever complained that a def inside a class doesn't have automagic
>> access to the class locals.

> But they *do* complain about having to make explicit
> references to 'self', which is the analogous thing there.

Still this is a different issue than lexical scoping.  Consider:

   class T:
      def m(self):
         print self.x

   T.x = 'foo'


Here, T().m() prints "foo".  Lexically, x is not defined in m's scope.
I believe it was a good decision to require going through self to
access class/object fields.  This is very different than something like:

   def f():
      x = 1
      def g():
         print x

where x is lexically in g's scope.

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